The Eternal Return

sidhe thuathe de danann celtic mythology folklore paganism tradtional art folk art epic irish ireland

Taking its name from the term coined by the ground-breaking comparative religion scholar Mircea Eliade, to explain the timeless, cyclical and eternal nature of ritual, the creation myth and sacred space, the Eternal Return is a journal and blog focused on paganism, oral tradition, philosophy and comparative religion.

This also serves as a platform for my writing in general, past and present, so there will also be reflections on self-sufficiency and kitchen gardening progress, on visionary art and my work as an artist and craftsman, and on cinema and literature. The main focus is, however, on comparative religion, history and folk customs.

With a background in history and ongoing study of it, comparative religion, national epics and mythological texts as well as pursuits in arts and crafts relating to these traditions and themes, I aim to provide food for thought, highlight some overlooked theories, propose some of my own and focus on the relevance of rustic paganism and a lifestyle close to and in harmony with nature and an ancient spirituality in the modern world.

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